Monday, February 3, 2014

First Day of Class!

Welcome to Information Processing!

This class is entirely on the computer... the only paper we'll be using is the 'finished products on paper' we'll be making from time-to-time. For everything else (responses, assignments, new creations), we'll be saving it online.

Our class time involves three courses happening at the same time... Information Processing 10, 20, and 30. Please check your HomeLogic site to make sure you are in the correct class.

Since not everyone may be in their correct classes yet, we'll save the "Course Topics" until Wednesday, February 5th. Make sure you're here then... you'll see what our projects this year involve!

So today, here's the agenda:

1. Check to make sure your email is working.... and send a note to Mr.Hackl at [you may wish to add me as a contact, as you'll be emailing me quite often]

2. Create a Google Account at This will be the main way you'll "share documents" with me, so I know you're keeping up with the coursework. You will also use this to work on projects with others.

3. Create a GoogleDocs Document that answers these questions:
       a) Why did you decide to take InfoPro this semester, and what are you looking forward to learning?

       b) What were the challenges and successes from Semester 1 (that just finished) this year?

       c) Using this link, describe your personality style, and whether you think this is accurate:
                       - PersonalityDNA:

       d) Using this link, describe your learning style, and whether or not you think this is accurate:
                       - Edutopia:

4. On your GoogleDocs Document, 'share' with Mr.Hackl.... I'll respond! Here's a link, if you've never done this before...

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